Sunday, September 16, 2012

Inspiration, thou art a heartless little hussy

So, with a great deal of reluctance, I have decided to put The Singers in the Eternal Night on haitus.

Why? A couple of reasons. One is, I'm not happy with what I have so far, overall, and it's not really something a rewrite of a first draft will fix. It's just not throwing off the right vibe--it's becoming something I don't care for all that much. I hate to waste all that work but it will require a rethink. My basic goal was for it to be terrifying, and it's so . . . not. I hate that.

The other is, my next project, The Harvester of Faces, has become terribly interesting to me. I sat down and plotted it out this morning and started the first draft this afternoon. This one is quite a bit more complicated than the previous one but it's not strictly a horror novel--though it does have horrific elements. This one is more science fiction.

There are a lot of things I want to say with this one, many of them political. I'm hoping it won't become preachy or anything--I'm hoping you'll just be entertained by the story and then, later on, realize that maybe it helped you to see a different point of view on some issues we're facing these days. Or, maybe not. First and foremost, you'll have to enjoy the story. If you don't then, no matter how forcefully and cleverly I have made my arguments, it's just a waste of time. If you wanted political commentary you would have bought a book full of it. You buy a novel to be entertained and I'm not going to let that go by the wayside for the sake of a message.

So, it'll be thrilling, with lots of twists and turns, interesting characters you can identify with, and--since this is me--a truly monsterous serial killer. Nothing but fun, for everyone!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Using problems to solve problems

So, I was worrying myself into a state, with a couple of plot issues I have with The Singers of the Eternal Night.

I was sort of obsessing on this until it hit me--I can use one problem to solve another one.

I can't really get into details, but it involves what happened to one character--he disappears early in the story and everyone seems to forget about him. I finally figured out that finding the guy will be the solution to the second problem I was having.

This is the secret to plot twists, I think, and something I need to keep reminding myself. Any time I see a plot hole, I need to look at other plot holes, and see if one can be used to solve another. It makes for a stronger and more economical story, one that will keep a reader guessing and also helps to keep the story from becoming formulaic--another example of what I'm talking about, I might add.

So, that's my new motto, when I'm working on a story or something--use one problem to solve another one.

The story, by the way, is coming along quite nicely. I'm just over a quarter of the way through the first draft now, and the road to where I'm going is gradually getting clearer. This is always a good sign, when I'm working on a novel--it at least means I'll finish the thing.

Funny thing is, I'm also getting some pretty damned good ideas about the next project, too--The Harvester of Faces. This one will be a lot different from what I'm working on now--it'll be quite a bit more complicated, with a multi-layered story, subplots, and a pretty complicated milleau. It'll have to wait but when I finally am able to get started on it I've got a very good foundation to build on.

Either way, progress is being made!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

It was a dark and stormy randomocity . . .

Well, it's dark, anyway. I don't think it'll be stormy. But what do I know?

As I write this I've just begun chapter five of this novel thing, The Singers in the Eternal Night. I've also gotten news that my lovely and talented eight year old goddaughter, Talyan, has been booked to appear in a Samsung commercial. So, I can see her in her Samsung commercial on my Samsung TV. It doesn't get more awesome than that. At least I hope I get to see it--I never did see her Burger King commercial.

It's been a long week, and I desperately needed the good news above--up until today it had been one bloody thing after another. I can't go into details--it's work related--all I can say is, with 366 days this year, everyone picks the same frakkin' one to plan something.

I actually have an idea for a musical project. I'm thinking of doing some instrumental pieces for a song cycle I'm calling Broken Planet, for now. It's been a while since I've done anything musical--I haven't even fooled around with one of my guitars in days--so as soon as I get some more stuff blocked out let's see if I can remember how to do this.

College football and the NFL get started in earnest this weekend, which means I'll be struggling to get anything done. Especially when my Atlanta Falcons are playing. I'm looking forward to the season--I think the Birds will be a bit better, though I'm a little concerned about two things: the passing game and the defense. I know, they have Matt Ryan, Julio Jones, and Roddy White on offense, but for some reason it seems really difficult for them to complete a pass of more than four or five yards. Also, the starting defense is fine--but when those guys come out for a breather, the dropoff seems to be a bit precipitous.

Maybe I'm wrong. I hope I am. I do expect them to make the playoffs, in any case, and maybe even win a post-season game or two.

Okay, I'm done with football. Your eyes can unglaze now.

So, I've still got quite a way to go with the first draft of the novel--I probably will be getting close to done with it by around Halloween. Hopefully. Once I get done with the first draft it won't take long for me to knock into some sort of shape to send off to someone. As for a publisher, I have a specific one in mind that will at least look at it, which is about all one can ask, these days.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

20 Things I Believe

  1. Most of the problems in the world today are caused by people who just refuse to leave other people who aren't bothering them alone to live their own lives.
  2. About all one can do many times is laugh.
  3. There are three, four, five, or more sides to every story.
  4. Arguing religion and/or politics is a waste of time.
  5. Arguing with idiots is also a waste of time.
  6. Arguing is a waste of time.
  7. Before you say something harsh or angry to someone you love, think about tomrrow--those words will still be echoing. Is that really what you want?
  8. If you are with someone you don't love, move on, no matter how difficult it is. You aren't doing anyone any favors by hanging in there.
  9. Every time you say goodbye to someone it may be for the last time. Don't say goodbye angry.
  10. Enjoy the good times. Savor them. Enjoy your friends. Don't spend all your time worrying about tomorrow.
  11. To quote Buddha--You will not be punished for your anger. You will be punished by your anger.
  12. Our imaginations seem to be getting more and more lazy.
  13. Creative outlets are as essential as food and water.
  14. Creative activities need to be nurtured in our children, even at the expense of math and science. Artists can figure the world out on their own.
  15. I don't have many friends but the few I have I love totally and without illusion--I love them not in spite of their faults and failings, but because of them.
  16. If you must worship a god of some kind, good for you. But don't confuse that with reality.
  17. A writer, actor, comedian, artist, whatever, who is really and truly funny consistently should be considered a national treasure and be treated as one.
  18. Farts, talking very loud, acting like an idiot, and making faces, are all things that are not, in and of themselves, funny.
  19. If you are a drug addict or alcoholic, don't think people around you don't know. They do.
  20. Be extremely picky with who you allow into your life, and treasure above all those who make the cut.