Saturday, November 23, 2013

My xmas list

Okay--in the spirit of the season (which is "gimme, gimme, gimme!" apparently), here are some things you can get me. Remember, it's not the cost but the thought that counts!

The West Wing complete series. I already have each individual season but a lot of those discs are unplayable now. I love this show. I know, not every episode was a winner, but the cast was amazing and the best episodes were incredible.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer complete series. As much as I love this show there are several episodes I haven't seen, for one reason or another. I'd love to be able to have a Buffy marathon whenever I wanted.

Walt Simonson's Thor Omnibus.  A few years ago a friend loaned me almost all of Simon's run on Thor--I missed out on the Beta Ray Bill story but that's about all. It was amazing. I was completely blown away, and reminded of how great comic books can actually be, when the story is in the hands of a master. And here is the whole thing, in one book. Yes, I want it. We wants it we wants it, Precious!

H. R. Giger's Necronomicon. The inspiration for the look of the greatest film monster of all time. I've wanted this for years.

Alex Lifeson model Les Paul. I'll make music like Rush if you get me this. I'll try to, anyway.

As good a soldier as my current synthesizer has been, it is quite old and falling apart, and, to be honest, some of the voices on it really suck. So, this would solve a lot of those issues.

I'm sure as soon as I publish this a million other things will come to me, but this will be enough to get you started.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Catching up on randomocity

Sorry, for the one or two of you who read this thing, that I haven't posted anything in the last little while. I really don't have an excuse other than I was feeling really lazy, and didn't really have all that much to write about anyway.

I'm putting The Harvester of Faces on the back burner for now. I may revive it in the future, as a script instead of a novel.

Which leads to another decision I've made recently, to just give up on writing prose, at least for the time being. When I sit down to write a novel it just feels . . . wrong. Working on a screenplay, though, feels so right to me. Don't ask me why.

Speaking of screenplays, the first draft of the pilot for the TV show I thought of recently is coming along pretty well. I'm right at halfway through it--it should be 48 pages long when I'm done. I'm enjoying doing research for it, too--rereading a lot of stories I loved when I was a crazy, weird teenager, plus some new ones, too, along with one or two scholarly works that sort of shed light on the subject matter in a way that makes me look at it in a different way.

That's one of the benefits of being a writer. It gives you an excuse to look into just about anything, as potential source material, inspiration, or to inform something you're planning.

The Thanksgiving holiday is coming up and, for once, I'm really looking forward to it this year. What do I have planned? Not a damned thing. Best kind of holiday.

Anyways, I'm done creating for the night, and I'm going to settle in to watch a new episode of Criminal Minds in a little while and then hit the sack.

Such is my glamorous life, I reckon.

Friday, November 8, 2013

I now have a title!

Woo-hoo! I finally figured out what I'm going to call this TV thing!

Unfortunately, I don't feel like I should reveal what that title is, because it would give too much away as to what the show is about. Dammit. Though I guess, considering not even my best friend reads this thing, I'd be safe enough if I did. But, just in case, I won't--I've had ideas--and titles, too, that I'd agonized over for weeks before coming up with them--stolen from me before. And ruined because the thieves were bloody awful writers or musicians.

Be that as it may, the first draft of the pilot script is coming along swimmingly. The tone is established quickly, the central characters are introduced, and the central theme is front-and-center quickly.

Not to change the subject, but I just got my new breakfast sandwich maker today. It's going to be awesome. I'm a sucker for a good croissant breakfast sandwich--and it so happens I just picked up some fresh ones just a few minutes ago . . .

I'm also reading a book called Weird Realism: Lovecraft and Philosophy. I haven't finished it yet but I'm enjoying it enormously, especially since I've recently reread many of the stories under discussion and I'm in the process of rereading the rest. If you dig Lovecraft--and if you have friends who look down their noses at him--you will want this one.

Weekend plans--writing on this TV show thing, The Harvester of Faces first draft redo, watching football, and not much else.

The best kind of weekend--I may not even leave my apartment!