Sunday, September 21, 2014

Getting started on something new. Finally.

So, I finally feel like I can sit down and start on the pilot to this TV show thing I've been going on and on about.

Yeah, there are still a couple of technical issues that I haven't resolved, but to hell with those. I can either figure out a way around them, or make it so they're no longer issues.

All this while I'm waiting on the notes from my first readers for The Sorcerer's Daughter.

I think most writers, when they are at this point on a project, work on short stories and the like. My problem is I rarely have ideas for short stories--most of my ideas are for projects that will take a while, like a year or so. Short stories just aren't my thing.

Anyways, I'll start banging away on this later today. I'll also start plotting out the series arcs, character trajectories, and so forth. Writing the series bible, in other words.

By the tine I get the notes back on the novel I'll be at the point where I can then work on both projects at the same time.

I'll also be watching football. Lots and lots of football. Which is what I did yesterday, actually, all day long.

I'll be working on some painting, too. I still have a couple of photos from my recent trip to Chattanooga of those lovely flowers that were growing outside of the venue. I'm priming a canvas now for it, and I'll be moving from writing to painting back to writing most of the day I'm guessing.

All the while the football game playing in the background, providing a necessary distraction when one is needed.

This is as good as it gets.