Wednesday, March 30, 2016

My first short film

My first short film, The Metasaurs, episode one, is now available online here. Click on over to take a look.

I'll be adding new ones when I can. I'm planning about six, altogether.

Anyways, take a look.

Monday, March 21, 2016

A question for you

I've been asked a couple of times over the past few months about why I like a particular song or a particular movie.

To me it's an odd question, and one that I've given a lot of thought. Usually when I hear a new song or see a new movie I decide I like it or I don't based on how it resonates with me. Beyond that I can't articulate what it is about it that caused me to like something--though often I can articulate why I didn't like something.

Take music, for example. I know people who will really like a song because it fools around with time signatures in a creative way, or has interesting key signature changes or tempo changes or something like that. I find music that is purely an intellectual exercise boring--if it's devoid of any emotional content that I can detect I don't care for it. If I have to sit there and parse it out to see what's so wonderful about it, and to discover the artist's intent, then I lose interest quickly. Yes, I know people who look down their noses at music and theater that's overly accessible, but to me, if I can't understand it, then it I don't see the point. And I'd rather not have to research something I'm listening to or watching for pleasure to get any pleasure from it.

But do you do that? How do you decide whether or not you like something? Do you intellectualize it when you hear or see something new, or do you do like me and let your viscera decide if you like it?

I'm just curious.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Far From the Sun video

I've finally uploaded the video I made for my song, "Far From the Sun." You can see it here.

Let me know what you think of it! I'll be doing a few more videos of some of my songs as time and inspiration permit.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

A rare political post

I rarely discuss politics--mostly because it almost always leads to arguments and I hate arguing.  But I do have to vent a little bit and decided to do it here, where maybe it'll be of some benefit.

I'll admit right here that I support Bernie Sanders, and I voted for him in the primary. He lost my state--he lost several states, but he also won some--to Hillary Clinton during Super Tuesday.

I have nothing against Secretary Clinton, and if Bernie losses the primary I will have no problems throwing my support behind her and voting for her in the general election. I won't even be holding y nose.

My problem is the people who seem to be personally offended that Bernie Sanders is in the race at all. Not because of the positions he takes on the issues, but because he's not an establishment candidate like Hillary Clinton. This seems to turn some people's worlds upside down and inside out--they seem to take his candidacy as a personal affront. I'm also hearing that Hillary's lead over him is insurmountable and any vote for Bernie is wasted.

Maybe that's true. Maybe Bernie doesn't have a prayer. I'm not an expert in politics. However, I feel like he does have a shot--there is still a lot of campaign left.

But even if he didn't I'd still support him. In the primary, even if I knew going in that he had no chance at all of winning (and he didn't in my state, which went overwhelmingly for Clinton), I'd still vote for him.

Why? Why vote for someone if you don't think they have a chance?

Well, for one thing, polls can be wrong. It's hardly an exact science. Some are more accurate than others, true, but none are dead-on accurate all the time.

For another--if a candidate speaks to the issues that matter to you, if you agree with his or her stands on those issues, then you aren't wasting your vote. Every vote for a particular candidate makes that candidate a little bit stronger, his or her voice a little bit louder. Even if your candidate has no chance in hell of winning, it forces other candidates in the race to speak up about those issues, to clarify or even change positions. It forces the debate to go into areas where it may not go on its own.

Consider Hillary addressing income inequality--Bernie's favorite issue, and probably the single biggest problem, not just in this country, but in the world. Would Secretary Clinton be speaking up about it if Bernie wasn't hammering away on that issue? I seriously doubt it.

So, I guess the lesson here is, once you step into that poll, vote for your candidate. Not just the one you're being told is going to win. Vote for whoever you feel like speaks for you, and the issues that matter to you. Don't worry about whether or not that candidate can win. Just vote.