Sunday, April 16, 2017

What I say I'll never do is what I always wind up doing

I promised myself a while back that I'd never attempt a fantasy screenplay.

I'm just not all that interested in fantasy. Never really have been. As I've gotten older my interest has decreased even more, so that I rarely see a fantasy movie these days. I may pop over to the  theater if there's a horror film with elements of the supernatural in it that captures my interest, but that's about it.

Since I finished the pilot script for my TV show (The Prince), I've been trying and failing to come up with something else to work on. I started a couple of things but my interest died pretty quickly. I was getting worried that I was completely out of ideas, that my Muse had abandoned me, moving on to greener pastures.

So, of course, the idea that finally piques my interest, that gets me to want to sit here and start plotting it out and visualizing scenes and creating characters, is a fantasy.

This is the way it works for me. I don't care for time travel and found footage films that much, but I got really excited about my project In Search of Citizen Z. E. D., which is both a found footage and time travel story. (And the only reason that one is now on the shelf is because current events caught up with it a lot faster than I thought they would. Right now it would be redundant. Dammit.)

Anyways, I'm calling this one Child of the Moon. It'll be an Urban Fantasy. Beyond that I can't really say too much, because I'm not that far along with it. Got a lot of story details to work out--the biggest one being, what is the plot? I've gotten my central character in a bad situation but right now I have no idea how she'll get herself out of it.

Of course, that's what makes it fun. At this point I have almost god-like powers, creating a Universe, killing off or saving characters at my whim, making rules, figuring out what happens when. It's quite the feeling of power.

The challenge, though, is not forgetting when one is plotting and planning and cackling over one's immense power, that overall the story has to be entertaining and it had bloody well better make sense! In other words, don't elucidate a rule of magic or whatever and then ignore it when it's convenient for the story.

Anyways, when I'm not playing around with my video editing software or watching baseball on TV, that's what I'm going to be working on for the foreseeable future, it looks like.

Will I finish this one? Stay tuned.