Saturday, July 4, 2015

Soggy 4th of July randomocity

Looks like we're going to get a little rain today. By 'a little' I mean three or four inches in an hour or so. Yes, the downpour is a comin' . . .

Which means it'll be a while before I can go out and pace around the neighborhood while I ruminate over this new project I've given myself.

This is going to be a horror/science fiction thing--see how I put 'horror' first? That's because it'll lean more in that direction than the other. It's going to be a screenplay. I won't got into detail except to say it's kind of a monster movie/haunted house story set in space. Kind of like Alien--it's going to kind of be an homage to that movie, actually. As well as to all those 50s monster movies that helped to warp my psyche into it's current shape.

A couple of things I need before I can get started, though:

  • an ending
  • a title
It's weird but I at least need to have an idea of what the ending will be before I get started. And I have to call it something. I've got an idea for a working title that I'll probably use--I hate it, but hopefully something better will suggest itself when I start banging away.

Which still leaves me without an ending. I suppose the best thing for me to do is to start working on a treatment and worry about it then. In fact, that is what I'm going to do. Or at least get started on today, in a little while.

That's my plan for the holiday--working on a treatment, and laundry. And hoping not to get washed away with the persistent downpours headed my way.

It's been a while since I've posted, so I want to say congrats to all my gay friends who can now legally marry in this country. It's a long time coming. There's still a long way to go but it's a good start, I guess.

So, stay dry if you're in my area today, have fun, and create something today.