Saturday, March 22, 2014

O! You Muse of Fire, you . . .

As I'm leaving for work yesterday morning, literally as I'm locking my apartment door, this idea for a story, a novel, something, hits me.

It's a good idea. It's one I like a lot. But right now I need to concentrate on The Sorcerer's Daughter, so it'll have to go on the back burner.

But it asks a question I've always found intriguing, and I'll pose it here, too, for anybody who wants to respond. Imagine that you are given a chance for an ultimate experience. For a few years it will be exciting, full of intense adventure and almost unbearable ecstasy It's guaranteed.

The flip side, though, is when it's over it'll be over.  It'll be the high point of your entire life, something that will never be repeated. You'll never experience anything like it again. You know you'll live the remainder of your life wanting to go back to this and knowing it will never happen again.

The question is--knowing this, would you say "yes" to this opportunity? Would the inevitable crash and the years of not living that life be worth it for the few years when it's happening?

I'm not sure what my own answer would be--I'd like to think I'd go for it. But, really, I can't say that for sure. How about you? What would you do?

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Let Us Burn

I finally broke down and got the new Within Temptation CD, Hydra the other day.

I love Within Temptation. One reason I love them so much is their music is so dramatic--damned near every song could serve as the soundtrack for any number of films. In fact, I imagine quite a few of their tunes as the soundtrack to the stuff that I write.

Their music also inspires me. Just sitting and listening to it causes ideas to come to me, to begin to coalesce into something that may or may not be worth developing. The inherent worth of the ideas is not the issue--it's the fact that the ideas come when I'm listening to this music.

That's the highest compliment, I think, an artist can pay to another one, by the way--when you as an artist can tell another artist that you find his or her work inspiring in your own work.

And speaking of being inspired, this CD--specifically, the first track, "Let us Burn"--has convinced me that this would be good material for a musical drama. Unfortunately, at .the moment I lack the time and resources to put something like that together, but there is a wealth of material here to create a pretty interesting story to go along with a lot of tunes that were just made to be presented in a setting like that. Maybe one day I'll be able to do something like this. I'd love to give it a shot.

If you don't believe me, check this CD out for yourself. Hell, just go to You Tube and listen to them. See if their music inspires you as much as it does me.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

March 1 and the sucking is now over . . .

This is a discussion I had online with an old friend the other day. February has been pretty rough for her (and it hasn't exactly been a picnic for me, either), but I decided that this was just all of the suckiness we were going to get in 2014 getting out of the way early. Starting today it's just going to be good stuff for the rest of the year.

Let's hope I was not just being optimistic. And, honestly, I do feel pretty good about the rest of the year. I can't really say why, so much--I've got a couple of things working that may turn out to be big deals, and you never know what else could come up--but I don't really have that hovering black cloud over me that I normally have.

I feel like the film project I'm currently collaborating on will turn out to be Something--I'm pretty happy with my early draft of the script and I think the producer is, too. We have a looooonnng way to go before there's any hope of it ever getting made but I think we've made a good start.

I've begun another version of The Sorcerer's Daughter and I'm pretty happy with it, so far. Now that I've decided just to do it in one novel instead a series I'm a lot happier with the pacing. I'm hoping to be done with it by the end of the year so I can begin shopping it around to publishers.

And, right now, I've got some baby back ribs basting in barbeque sauce in the slow cooker. Maybe that lovely aroma is tempering my mood. One can't feel sad when one is anticipating having ribs for lunch.

Anyways, I'm feeling pretty good about the next few months. Hopefully, it'll turn out to be for good reason!