Saturday, January 6, 2018

First post of 2018

I guess I need to say something, since it's been 2018 for almost a week now.

I've just been working on rewriting some scripts and developing a package I can send to anyone who wants it for each of them. This will consist of:

  • a query letter
  • a synopsis
  • a treatment
  • the script
I'm writing a generic query letter for each project that I can tailor to a particular producer/agent/whoever just so I can get it to anyone who wants to see it quickly.

The synopsis is a very short--around 500 words or so--description of the project. Give the story in broad strokes, and don't forget to include the resolution of the issue the project is about.

A treatment is a bit more detailed synopsis--no more than five pages--where you give the major story beats and a bit more about the characters and more detail about the plot. Sort of medium-strokes at this point. But keep it short!

I should also mention that neither the synopsis, the treatment, nor the script should have any paragraphs that are longer than five lines or so. I know, people think that's ridiculous, but trust me--people who read scripts are busy. If they open your treatment or synopsis or query letter or whatever and see this huge block of text, they're going to stop reading. Break it up into chunks. It makes it much easier for them to read it, and, more importantly, makes it more likely that they'll read it.

You also need to come up with a log-line, a two-sentence description of the project. I've discovered that it is most helpful to come up with the log-line first, before you even start developing the project, so you can keep the scope and theme in mind as you work. It'll prevent you from wandering down blind alleys and areas that might be scenic but are totally irrelevant. You'll want to use the log-line in your query letter, and your treatment. Maybe write it out and post it somewhere you can see it while you work just in case you need a reminder.

On my hard-drive I created a folder specifically for scripts I'm ready to start showing around, with a subfolder for each project. In that subfolder is the script, along with the other items above. If I send a query letter to somebody I'll save a pdf of that letter in that subfolder so I'll have it, along with a time and date stamp.

Plus, I'm still developing my space-based horror movie, Gorgon.

So, I'm keeping myself busy, until the NFL playoffs get started, anyway.

How is your 2018 going so far?

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